BJP general secretary Surajnanadan Kushwaha (MLC) of bihar state has filed a case against Priyanka Gandhi for her ‘neech rajniti’ barb against BJP’s PM pick Narendra Modi, in the court of chief judicial magistrate Rama Kant Yadav at Patna. Kushwaha charged Priyanka under five sections of the IPC, … [Read more...] about Case against Priyanka Gandhi for her remark ‘Neech Rajniti’ against Narendra Modi
Narendra Modi
Congress misleading the people about modi
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Saturday said that the Congress Party is extremely shrewd and is misleading the people by telling them false things. Congress is extremely shrewd and they think that public is in their pockets. They are misleading the people … [Read more...] about Congress misleading the people about modi