The Special Judge for CBI Cases has convicted Shri Anant Singh, then Branch Manager, Union Bank of India, Beerpur Branch, District Sheopur (Madhya Pradesh) in a bribery case and sentenced him to undergo three year Rigorous Imprisonment with fine of Rs.10,000/-.
CBI had registered a case U/s 7 of PC Act, 1988 on 29/09/2008 on the basis of a complaint against Shri Anant Singh, Branch Manager, Union Bank of India, Beerpur Branch, Distt. Sheopur. It was alleged that Shri Anant Singh while functioning as Branch Manager, Union Bank of India, Beerpur Branch, Distt. Sheopur had demanded illegal gratification of Rs.8000/- from the Complainant to sanction loan of Rs.1,00,000/- under Kisan Credit Card Scheme in a joint name of father and uncle of Complainant. The accused was caught red handed while demanding & accepting a bribe of Rs.8000/- from the Complainant.
A charge sheet was filed on 30.06.2009 in the Court of Special Judge for CBI Cases, Bhopal against Shri Anant Singh, then Branch Manager, Union Bank of India, Beerpur Branch, Distt. Sheopur U/s 7 & 13(2) r/w 13(1)(d) of PC Act, 1988.