A Delhi court today asked the CBI to explain why it was in “in such a hurry” to close a case against top industrialist Kumar Mangalam Birla over the allotment of a coal block to his firm, Hindalco, in 2005
“What was the hurry to close this case?” special CBI judge Bharat Parashar asked the agency’s investigating officer (IO).
During the hearing, the investigating officer told the court that original minutes of the screening committee meeting, in which Birla-owned Hindalco’s application seeking coal blocks allocation was dealt with, were “missing”. To this, the court asked the investigating officer to show if there was any statement which says that the original minutes of the meeting of the screening committee were missing.
“No such statement of anyone is there that the original minutes are missing,” the judge said.
As the investigating officer was unable to give explanation to the queries of the court, the judge directed him to call his supervisory officer in the court.